Beginning January 6, 2025, the “OWNER” licenses (OWNER-PLUMB, OWNER-ELEC, OWNER-STR/MECH), that were configured for homeowners to use to apply online on Citizen Access for building permits, will be retired and no longer available for homeowners to use. They will be replaced with a new “Homeowner Path” for the online Building application process where the user must certify that they are the homeowner by entering contact information and uploading a Homeowner Acknowledgement Form for every online application. The new Homeowner Path is available in our Staging environment for you to preview. This new process should be more user-friendly and streamlined for homeowners! More important notes:
These are the high level steps a homeowner will take to submit an online Building application. New training documentation for homeowners can be found here:
4. Once the permit type is selected, the homeowner will have a new screen where they will certify that they are the homeowner by 1) adding their contact information; and 2) uploading a copy of the Homeowner Acknowledgement Form.
Jurisdiction User Experience:
Changes to Citizen Access Wrapper: A new main navigation button will be added with information that is specific for homeowners:
At any point in time when withdrawing a record, it is important to consider what to do with any new or outstanding, unpaid fees. Just because a customer has withdrawn their application or permit does not mean they don’t potentially owe on any fees. They could still owe for completed services such as plan review, inspections, or other departmental fees that should be collected. If the fees assessed are no longer due, then delete them if NEW or VOID them to credit if invoiced and unpaid. If fees are already paid, consider if a refund is due based on the circumstances of the withdrawal.
Withdrawn is an available status on all Workflow tasks – this result status will close the record and update the Record Status to ‘Withdrawn’. Check that no other Workflow tasks remain open after withdrawing – if any remain active, use Supervisor mode to set them to Active = NO and to remove any user assignment (note, Department must remain selected as a requirement, only the User can be rolled back to -Select-). Don’t forget to SUBMIT to save your changes, CANCEL to leave Supervisor mode. There are standard Model reports and Filters that can assist in identifying any records that are withdrawn but still have outstanding fees and/or assigned tasks. Permit process in ePermitting:
As you probably know, ePermitting loads CCB contractor licenses and BCD contractor licenses daily, as well as the monthly loads of Architect, Engineer, LCB, Surveyor, and Septic Installers and Pumper licenses. Most ePermitting online applications require a contractors’ license of some sort (unless a homeowner is doing the work). However, within each application type, the scripts check only to see that the applicant has the general type of contractor license required, not that they are working within the scope of that license. Licensees should know the scope of work allowed by their licenses and filling out an online application leaves a clear trail if someone is exceeding the scope of their licenses.
Examples of exceeding license scope:
Occasionally contractors do pull permits that exceed the scope of their licensing. If you discover one of these, you should ask the contractor to provide the appropriate license information, and if they do not you should revoke the permit. If you suspect that the exceedance was purposeful, or that the contractor is repeatedly pulling permits that exceed their license scope, please forward the information to either CCB’s or BCD’s Enforcement sections. The permit types that are available to public users when they are creating an online Building application is dependent on the licensed professional (LP) requirements that are configured in Accela, as well as the license associated to their public user account. The ePermitting team found that Driveway, Commercial Sign, and Residential Sign permit type LP requirements were incorrect. The following corrections have been made across all jurisdictions.
Note: no changes were made to how these permit types function in the back office.
During the first half of 2025, ePermitting will be phasing out the IVR (telephone) inspection scheduling system, which also includes SelectText inspection scheduling.
We are phasing these out because the usage is very minimal, and those users that try IVR often struggle to successfully schedule their inspections. The phase out will happen over the course of the next six months:
We anticipate that IVR will no longer be available by Summer, 2025 but will send out updates as we proceed with this project. With the sunset of the IVR Inspection scheduling option, customers can still schedule online thru ACA directly or using Easy Scheduling, and/or through the ePermitting app. Also, if you would like to have Jerod Broadfoot conduct contractor training on how to schedule inspections using the app and the website, please contact him at: [email protected]. City of Clatskanie - Go live Spring of 2025
City of Jacksonville - Go live Spring of 2025 City of Lafayette - Go live Spring of 2025 City of Lakeside - Go live Spring of 2025 City of Oakridge - Go live Spring of 2025 City of Vernonia - Go live Spring of 2025 Dunes City - Go live Spring of 2025
Join us in welcoming the City of Fairview, City of King City, City of Lowell, City of Ontario, and City of Sherwood who joined Oregon ePermitting in the Fall of 2024.
A new record type called Code Authorization is now available for all jurisdictions using the Code Compliance module. You may start using the record type anytime! It was developed so that jurisdictions who manage certain authorizations through Code Compliance can record fees and payments, issue an authorization to the applicant, and track inspections. For example, Klamath County authorizes camping on personal property for 21 days. This record type allows the county to manage and track camping authorizations. The record type was designed to be very flexible across all jurisdictions by modifying the Authorization Type dropdown. Other possible use cases are authorizing garage sales, lemonade stands, or even short term rentals through Code Compliance. Please contact the ePermitting Team to modify the Authorization Type dropdown by emailing [email protected].
Here are more helpful details about the Code Authorization record type:
You can now customize the invoice report to include payment directions. Here is an example: If you're interested in customizing your agency's invoice report, submit a help desk ticket to [email protected].
In our continuous efforts to improve security, we will be enhancing Accela user security, which includes: Requiring more complex passwords as well as standardization for password timeout and account disable time frames.
Password Requirements Beginning September 1st, new password requirements will go into effect. Passwords will now require:
*These changes will apply to ACA users as well Six failed login attempts within 24 hours will result in your account being locked. In addition to the password requirement changes listed above, we will be standardizing the password timeout (password required to be changed based on the last date it was changed) and account disable timeout (based on the user’s last login date when logging directly into an agency) time frames. The Kayako knowledgebase article about "How to manually reset a password before it expires," can be found here: Account Disable Timeout Account disable timeout is the time period from the user’s last login date (when logging directly into the agency). The user’s last login date is not updated when a user delegates into an agency or when a user logs into the Oregon Inspector App (though we are working with our app developer to see if they might be able to change this setting). As of September 1st, we will be setting the Account Disable Timeout to 365 days for all users with the exception of system users (these are users that are not actually logged into by an individual but are used for integrations such as the apps). If a user has not logged directly into any agencies where they have a user account within 365 days of the last time they logged directly into that agency, their account will become disabled. If you are a DELEGATE USER (you log into OREGON and use the delegate dropdown to navigate to other cities and/or counties) or an inspector that generally only uses the Oregon Inspector App, please be aware, that in order to prevent your account from becoming disabled, you need to log directly into each of your agencies (must log into back office) at least once every 365 days. Password Timeout Password timeout timeframes will be set to 180 days for all users with the exception of system users (these are users that are not actually logged into by an individual but are used for integrations such as the apps). After Sept. 1, you will be prompted to change your password every 180 days (unless you’ve changed it sooner). If it’s been more than 180 days since your last password change as of September 1st, you will be prompted to change it before logging in. If you are a DELEGATE USER, please be aware that passwords are set at the individual agency level (including OREGON) and you will need to log into each of your agencies directly to change the password, if you wish to use the same password in all of your agencies. If you update your OREGON password and then use the agency dropdown to switch to one of your delegate agencies, you will not be able to use the same password that you used for OREGON. You will need to log out of OREGON and log directly into the other agency(ies). It is our recommendation that DELEGATE USERS and app users log directly into each of their agencies when updating their password(s), this will effectively also update the last login date for that agency so that their account will not become disabled. *If you need help with your password or a disabled account, submit a ticket to [email protected] You can now generate a single invoice across multiple records through a Set – see steps below! The invoice will show the total outstanding balance for the entire Set, including a break down by record and by fee item. It will ignore records in the Set that have a zero outstanding balance. You also have the ability to email the invoice to your customers. Steps:
3. Navigate to the Set Member tab > place a check next to one record > hover over Reports > click Comprehensive Invoices for Set. 4. The Invoice is ready to view/print/email.
Converge/Elavon – the credit card processing agent your jurisdiction uses for online (and potentially back office) ePermitting transactions – has recently made us aware of a very important change process they require.
When and if the “Authorized Signer” – or person responsible for this account (Finance Manager or Director typically )– changes for any participating agency – there is change process required by Converge/Elavon. ePermitting provides the information and instructions from Converge/Elavon, when a Finance Management Change Request form is filled out. This form is required because ePermitting has to make some updates and then we can also help ensure that your agency has the necessary information from Converge/Elavon. Please be aware of this new requirement and process, failure to submit these changes with Converge/Elavon in particular, and in a timely manner, could potentially result in suspension of your agency’s credit card processing account. The Financial Management Change Request form is available through the Kayako Knowledgebase at: For jurisdictions using the Public Works module - a new service area for tracking Stormwater is now available, as of May 8, 2024!
Purpose: Development brings with it more impervious surfaces that result in additional stormwater runoff that may require a permit be obtained from a local jurisdiction to comply with local post-construction quantity and/or quality treatment standards. The new Stormwater service area will allow jurisdictions to standardize their approach to regulating stormwater and more easily track those permits that don’t quite fit within the existing three service areas. Changes you will see:
What we need from you: Please submit a Kayako ticket by emailing [email protected] if you would like either of the following modified, based on the new Stormwater service area:
Beginning Monday, Aug. 12, 2024, the following additional checks became effective and now prevents the C of O from being issued through workflow until resolved:
The DEQ Surcharge fee is increasing from $100 to $117, effective Aug. 1, 2024. The ePermitting team is working closely with DEQ on this timeline and will be proactively creating a new Onsite fee schedule version that will automatically go into effect Aug. 1, 2024 that will include the new surcharge amount. This only applies to jurisdictions who are using the ePermitting Onsite module. There is no need for each county to submit a ticket requesting the surcharge increase – we are taking care of it for you! No other fees will be touched during this update. Please feel free reach out with any questions by sending an email to the ePermitting Team at [email protected] or Corby Eden at DEQ at [email protected]. Please note that the surcharge increase will not be officially approved by the Environmental Quality Commission until their next meeting scheduled for July 12, 2024. If the surcharge increase is not approved, you will be notified by DEQ and the ePermitting Team will not make any changes to the DEQ surcharge amount.
Following the Accela upgrade several users noted some changes in the task specific information forms (TSI) associated to some workflow tasks. In some cases, fields were squished, and in others the form would be extremely stretched to the point that users could not see all of the fields on the form. Strangely, this issue was not consistent across all workflow tasks or even across all agencies. We have submitted a ticket to Accela to help identify what caused the issue. In the meantime, we have reformatted all forms using the new designer which should alleviate the scrolling issues.
As of Mon, 6/17/2024 changes were made to the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O), Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (Temp C of O), and the Onsite Certificate of Satisfactory Completion (Onsite CSC) reports. The most exciting changes were made to the C of O and Temp C of O where a scanned image of the Building Official’s signature can be uploaded into Accela and display at the bottom of the document. If a scanned signature is not available in Accela, the report will now display the Building Official’s name in a cursive font. If your Building Official is interested in taking advantage of the option to include a scanned image of their signature, please email [email protected] and the ePermitting Team will provide specs for the scanned image file. The Onsite CSC was reformatted so that the issuing Sanitarian stands out more and their name is included in a cursive font. Unfortunately, the option to add a scanned image of each Sanitarian’s signature is not available. See below for before and after screenshots of the report changes. C of O Before: After: After (example with scanned signature) Temp C of O Before: After: Onsite CSC Before: After:
A new enhancement was just released by our app developer so that we can customize the contact information at the top of the Inspection Summary Report that's generated from the Oregon Inspector App (OIA). Previously, we could only configure one set of contact information that displayed across all modules for an agency. If you would like the module contact information to be customized for each module of your agency, please submit a ticket to the ePermitting Team by emailing [email protected]. Be sure to include which modules should be customized and the appropriate contact details.
The Accela upgrade for 2024 is now complete, for more information visit:
Accela Version Upgrade (23.2.4) Highlights The Inquiry record type for Building can now be available to be searchable on ACA. If you would like us to turn this optional functionally on and allow the Inquiry record type to be search on ACA, please submit a help desk ticket request – submit to [email protected].
This is just a helpful tip when using the V_RECORD or V_OSM_BUILDING_RECORD views in Adhoc Reports - the views automatically exclude records with the status of Void. If you are comparing the number of records in your Adhoc Report to the number of records from search another method, like a Record List Search, you may see different results if any of the records are Void.
DisclaimerPlease be aware that this content is relevant at the time it is published, but as time goes on may become out-of-date. We will do our best to keep the content alive and relevant. Archives
December 2024
Jurisdiction Resources