The DEQ Surcharge fee is increasing from $100 to $117, effective Aug. 1, 2024. The ePermitting team is working closely with DEQ on this timeline and will be proactively creating a new Onsite fee schedule version that will automatically go into effect Aug. 1, 2024 that will include the new surcharge amount. This only applies to jurisdictions who are using the ePermitting Onsite module. There is no need for each county to submit a ticket requesting the surcharge increase – we are taking care of it for you! No other fees will be touched during this update. Please feel free reach out with any questions by sending an email to the ePermitting Team at [email protected] or Corby Eden at DEQ at [email protected]. Please note that the surcharge increase will not be officially approved by the Environmental Quality Commission until their next meeting scheduled for July 12, 2024. If the surcharge increase is not approved, you will be notified by DEQ and the ePermitting Team will not make any changes to the DEQ surcharge amount.
When submitting help desk tickets by email to ePermitting, please start only using and discontinue using [email protected].
Unfortunately, we cannot cap inspections in the Oregon Model because the only way to cap inspections in Accela is to ‘weight’ each individual inspection type which is not likely something we could standardize across agencies. Additionally, there are many, varying factors that affect inspection loads each day: inspector certifications, drive time to inspections, staffing, and much, much more. Our best-practice recommendation for managing inspection load, is to do the following: Each afternoon, go into MY TASKS page > Inspections tab > run the ‘Tomorrow's Inspections’ filter:
and determine then - a day ahead - if any inspections need to be rescheduled. If they do - PLEASE NOTE, rescheduling does NOT send any email or notification to the Requestor - you will have to reach out to customers to let them know their inspections are being rescheduled to whatever day you determine. You also have an available filter called ‘Inspections Scheduled in the Next Two Weeks’ if you wish to look ahead a little further - but note, new inspections are being scheduled every day - so if you look ahead too soon or too far, then it is very likely that additional new inspections will be scheduled regardless. If you are needing to actively Cancel (versus Rescheduling), then it is most ideal to click in to the individual inspection and actually result it as 'Cancelled' and then send the result email that generates in the back office. The only downside to this automated email you have the option to send in the back office, is that you cannot include any other text or information, it is a canned email - but does still state that the inspection has been cancelled and includes your agency's contact information. Alternatively, you have the option to checkbox the scheduled inspection - in MY TASKS > Inspections > Manage Inspections > Cancel Inspections from the list level (rather than the individual inspection level) - but this method does NOT send any notification or communication to the Requestor, so like rescheduling - you would have to specifically reach out to the requestor to let them know their inspection can't be completed as scheduled and is being cancelled (versus rescheduled for a different date). Both of the above methods for cancelling inspections, result in a new pending instance of the cancelled inspection type for further/future scheduling.
In 2018 we moved to an Azure data center and our Citizen Access (ACA) site changed URLs. For the convenience of our public users, Accela set up a URL redirect. This means that when a user visits the old URL for Citizen Access ( there is a redirect that automatically and seamlessly routes the user to the current URL for Citizen Access ( Beginning in early 2023, Accela will retire this URL redirect and users will get an error if they try to access the old URL. To avoid any issues, please be sure to update your browser “favorites” for Citizen Access to and help pass along the message to your public users!
We had a record-breaking number of agency fee updates this past July, approximately 63% of our 80+ agencies had a major fee update. Given the sheer volume, we ran into several agencies that thought that only sending their fee update for BCD Notice would also come to ePermitting for update – this is not the case. This misunderstanding caused significant delays and rework for many agencies.
As a result of these challenges, we wanted to share the ePermitting fee update process and BCD Notice requirement with all participating agencies. Fee Update process with ePermitting – we ask that you send us your final fee update draft as soon as it’s available, it does not have to be adopted and we highly recommend that you send any fee updates to us PRIOR to submitting for BCD Notice. We will perform a fee analysis – reviewing for methodology requirements as per Division 50, fees required by program authority, Policy interpretations, and any ePermitting system requirements (including standardization of Residential/Commercial Plumbing fixture list and Residential Mechanical appliance list). Upon analysis, we will send back any suggested corrections and/or updates that might be necessary - again PRIOR to adoption or going to BCD Notice – this is key! Agencies that miss this step or are unaware, often end up delayed in implementing their updated fees, doing rework, and in some cases having to repeat the BCD Notice process – we don’t want this for any of our agencies. The ePermitting system, records and applications, are designed to incorporate the required fees and methods. Once the fee update draft is finalized – then it is ready for local adoption and BCD Notice. The local adoption and Notice processes can happen concurrently. BCD Notice for Building fees – any new fees, increases to existing fees, or changes in methodology that result in an increase must be sent through the required BCD Notice process. Teri Watson ([email protected]) is the Policy contact that manages this process. The BCD Notice period is 45 days – so updates should be sent/done in enough advance of the effective date of your fee update. Please note, that it has recently been determined that Tech fee and any other ‘surcharge’ type fees assessed on building fees, must also go through the BCD Notice process. If you have any questions about this process, submit a helpdesk ticket to [email protected]. If your agency has an upcoming fee increase, or any other fee changes, effective July 1, 2022, send your updates to the ePermitting team ASAP by sending an email to the Kayako Helpdesk. Important note, your fee update ticket submittal does not have to wait for your agency to adopt or approve them, the fee update process can begin parallel to your adoption/approval process. Final drafts of fee updates are acceptable to begin this time-sensitive process. Late submittals might not be able to be accommodated for July 1st start given the volume of requests for update. Also a friendly reminder – new fees, fee increases or method changes that result in an increase, are required to go through the BCD Fee Notice process; please send ePermitting a draft copy of your fees prior to submitting for Notice to avoid any delays or potential requirement to re-notice.
In 2018 ePermitting moved to an Azure data center and our Citizen Access (ACA) site changed URLs. For the convenience of our public users, Accela set up a URL redirect. This means that when a user visits the old URL for Citizen Access ( there is a redirect that automatically and seamlessly routes the user to the current URL for Citizen Access ( Beginning in early 2023, Accela will retire this URL redirect and users will get an error if they try to access the old URL. To avoid any issues, please be sure to update your browser “favorites” for Citizen Access to, update your local agency websites with any reference to ACA, and help pass along the message to your public users!
Important Reminder to all agencies - any time you are increasing fees, adding new fees you have not charged formerly, or adjusting a fee method/calculation in such a way that it results in a fee increase – BCD Fee Notice would be required.
We sometimes receive helpdesk tickets regarding fee increases/changes where the agency has not gone to BCD Fee Notice or was not aware they had to. On this note, submitting fee changes to ePermitting does not fulfill the BCD Fee Notice requirement, it is a separate process that your agency will need to also complete. BCD Fee Notice information is provided at . See the Changing Fees section primarily. By default, inspection calendars block out the following dates for all agencies. If your agency deviates from this schedule, please email the help desk at [email protected] to block out the appropriate dates. Please note that we need a two-week notice to effectively update a calendar and avoid any unwanted inspections to be scheduled.
The "Inspection Calendar Block Out Dates" report methodology:
Following our recent Accela software upgrade we wanted to touch base with our delegate users. There were some significant changes to delegate functionality in the new version and your feedback as a daily user is important to us. Please take a moment to complete the survey, it’s short and shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes. We would like to receive survey responses by the end of the day this Friday, August 20.
Accela Delegate User Survey If your agency is in the process of any fee updates for the fiscal year – we are asking that you please work to get them submitted by Friday, May 14. Due to the sheer volume of agencies updating at the fiscal year (July 1st) and other projects that are currently in progress, the turnaround time on all the changes to include testing, could take up to several weeks.
The fee updates do not have to be all the way through the approval process or have completed BCD Notice, so we ask that you send the draft of your fees that is currently under review/in process. We can get all the changes drafted and then only have to make minor changes as needed upon approval. If you wait to submit your fee updates, we may not be able to guarantee their availability in production for July 1. If you have any questions regarding fee updates, please contact our helpdesk at [email protected]. If your agency is in the process of any fee updates for the fiscal year – we are asking that you please work to get them submitted by Friday, May 15. Due to the sheer volume of agencies updating at the fiscal year (July 1st) and other projects that are currently in progress, the turnaround time on all the changes to include testing, could take up to several weeks.
The fee updates do not have to be all the way through the approval process or have completed BCD Notice, so we ask that you send the draft of your fees that is currently under review/in process. We can get all the changes drafted and then only have to make minor changes as needed upon approval. If you wait to submit your fee updates, we may not be able to guarantee their availability in production for July 1. If you have any questions regarding fee updates, please contact our helpdesk at [email protected]. July 4th is on a Saturday this year. Are there any other holidays or days that need to be blocked out for your agency? Let us know, email the help desk at [email protected] to block out the appropriate dates. Please note that we need a two-week notice to effectively update a calendar and avoid any unwanted inspections to be scheduled.
If your agency has a Jan. 1 fee increase, please send your new fees to the ePermitting team no later than Nov. 15 by sending an email to [email protected]. The ePermitting team now supports over 70 agencies and we need this much lead time to update each agency who will have new fees. Keep in mind that sending your new fee schedule to the Policy section of BCD for review is a separate process than sending your new fee schedule to ePermitting for updating in Accela. Please do not wait for your local approval process to submit your proposed changes to us. Often times this does not provide us enough time to complete and test this volume of change for all agencies requesting.
Thank you for your help with this! The ePermitting Help Desk will be closed on the following upcoming dates:
By default, inspection calendars block out the following dates for all agencies. If your agency deviates from this schedule, please email the help desk at [email protected] to block out the appropriate dates. Please note that we need a two-week notice to effectively update a calendar and avoid any unwanted inspections to be scheduled.
The "Inspection Calendar Block Out Dates" report methodology:
By default, inspection calendars block out the following dates for all agencies. If your agency deviates from this schedule, please email the help desk at [email protected] to block out the appropriate dates. Please note that we need a two-week notice to effectively update a calendar and avoid any unwanted inspections to be scheduled.
If your agency has a Jan. 1 fee increase, please send your new fees to the ePermitting team no later than Dec 1 by sending an email to [email protected]. The ePermitting team now supports over 70 agencies and we need this much lead time to update each agency who will have new fees. Please keep in mind that sending your new fee schedule to the Policy section of BCD for review is a separate process than sending your new fee schedule to ePermitting for updating in Accela. Also, please do not wait for your local approval process to submit your proposed changes to us. Often times this does not provide us enough time to complete and test this volume of change for all agencies requesting. Thank you for your help with this!
DisclaimerPlease be aware that this content is relevant at the time it is published, but as time goes on may become out-of-date. We will do our best to keep the content alive and relevant. Archives
December 2024
Jurisdiction Resources