Recently, our team has received questions about the Accela Inspector app and the Accela Mobile App. Neither of these apps work with Oregon ePermitting and will not function properly. Any inspectors using these apps should immediately delete them and install the Oregon Inspector App that has been developed and maintained by the Oregon ePermitting team. The Oregon Inspector App has the State of Oregon Seal on the icon. iOS version:
Android version:
The current Oregon Inspection Request app is being upgraded. For the past few months, we have been adding and testing new tools and features on this app. With all of the upgrades to the app, it has moved past being just an inspection scheduling tool. Accordingly, we are changing the official name to the Oregon ePermitting App to address how much more comprehensive it is becoming in addressing overall customer needs.
The new and improved Oregon ePermitting App:
ePermitting is working to finalize the App on both iOS and Android platforms and are working towards a late May to early June release date. When ready, we will announce the release so current and new users can download it from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Once released, we will begin scheduling in-person trainings around the state. Anyone wishing to host an in-person training at an association or trade group meeting, contact Jerod Broadfoot via email at [email protected]. Testing Underway
Version 21.2.5 was installed in our Dev environment in early March, the ePermitting team has been thoroughly testing the new version which is going well. We expect to wrap-up testing in our Dev environment by mid-May. Config Refresh and Agency First Look Accela is refreshing our Config environment this week with current Prod data (except for a few agencies which have been excluded for various reasons). We will then be upgrading Config to version 21.2.5 by May 16th. After Config has been upgraded, we will be inviting users to come take a look. You’ll notice then that there isn’t a big difference. There will, however, be some configuration changes coming with this upgrade that you won’t necessarily see until Production has been upgraded. Some are necessary for maintenance purposes and others are features which, we believe, will be welcome quality-of-life changes for daily users. One change you will notice in Config after it has been upgraded, is that some of the forms will look “off”. With this version, Accela has converted all forms to their new form designer. The default conversion doesn’t always work well with the way that we have designed forms, so as part of our upgrade project, we have a subproject to update the critical forms in Prod (e.g. Record Search, Inspection Search and parts of the intake forms) prior to the version upgrade. We will advise you via GovDelivery (sign up here) when that has happened. Along with performance and security enhancements, both Chrome and Edge will now be fully supported (IE11 will no longer be supported). Production Upgrade Schedule Prod is scheduled to be upgraded the weekend of June 11-13. We will be providing you with regular updates and more information in the coming weeks as we progress through our testing and the upgrade project. More Information We will be sharing more information about those changes as the upgrade project progresses via the upgrade website which can be found at: |
DisclaimerPlease be aware that this content is relevant at the time it is published, but as time goes on may become out-of-date. We will do our best to keep the content alive and relevant. Archives
December 2024
Jurisdiction Resources