On May 13, 2019 Grant County went live as an OSM Full Services agency. Grant County previously tracked their legacy data on a spreadsheet that was converted into Accela. They are using the Building and Planning modules in Accela and soon will offer Onsite. Welcome Grant County!
We have revised the inspection brochure with available inspection types, the brochure is available in both English an Spanish.
English: https://www.oregon.gov/BCD/epermitting/Documents/brochures/osm-inspection-codes.pdf Spanish: https://www.oregon.gov/BCD/epermitting/Documents/brochures/osm-inspection-codes-spanish.pdf As your business grows in ePermitting, we have begun receiving more requests for additional Contact Types. When you create a new contact, you are required to assign the contact a ‘role’ in the form of a Contact Type. We have recently approved requests to add the following types: Complainant, Property Manager, Tenant, Bank, Attorney, and Trustee (yellow highlighted values in the image below). Contacts are considered Reference Data your agency manually creates that are then associated with incoming applications - we at ePermitting want to assure you have the basic Contact Types needed to assign to your Contacts as you create them. Note: This list cannot be exhaustive, so we will be taking the most requested types submitted thru this survey process. Follow the link to complete the survey: http://dcbs.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3dzEoA1R9ONVhjv.
Written by Heather Richards In February, 2019, after one year of planning, preparation and training, the City of McMinnville launched our new epermitting program with the State of Oregon’s Accela program. And we are so glad that we did. This program has allowed us to add more efficiencies to our building and development program, with the electronic permitting capabilities, and internal coordinating and tracking of permits. We brought on the building, planning, and public works modules, and added some outside partners to the program for enhanced delivery of services to our customers.
We never could have accomplished this without the team at Oregon ePermitting. The staff went out of their way to accommodate us and help us through the transition. We are a small program and transitioning to a new software program is never easy, but the state team was very responsive to all of our questions and concerns, even adjusting their training to help our team feel more comfortable with the software. I was very impressed with the state team’s knowledge of the system, knowledge of the state building program, awareness of what it means to serve building program customers, and experience as a building permit technician. Our project manager worked with us and advised us along the way based upon our needs and goals with the program. When it came time to go live, the state team was on-site with us helping our staff navigate the software program while serving our customers. We were trepidatious about the learning curve and adjustment to the new software, but it has actually been much easier than we thought to implement it and our customers love the new system. The State of Oregon ePermitting has launched SelecTXT, a new service allowing contractors and homeowners to utilize interactive text messaging to:
An end-user brochure is available for your lobbies, to provide with issued plans, or to hand out to your contractors along with an informational/instructions document for agencies. We have also created a short video tutorial to demonstrate how easy SelecTXT is to use.
A Permit Fee Retention can be charged by an agency as a way to recoup the cost of work already completed on a permit (i.e. inspections) that ends up being withdrawn by the applicant. The Oregon Standard Model has the Permit Fee Retention broken out into 3 standard percentage rates to assist with this. 20% Permit fee retention - plumbing 50% Permit fee retention - plumbing 75% Permit fee retention - plumbing The Permit Fee Retention process precedes the consideration of any refund and because it is the retention of actual permit fees, it invokes State Surcharge, which is based upon the percentage of the total amount of permit fees retained. Note: Retention of Plan Review fees are not subject to State Surcharge. To process the Permit Fee Retention, go to the Fees tab in the record navigation pane. Select the applicable permit fees that have been invoiced and paid and void them to credit if they have not been credited already. Then click the Add fee button. Locate the percentage rate that you are going to retain of the permit fees paid based upon work already completed. Enter the total amount of permit fees that were paid and are eligible to be potentially refunded (excluding previously paid State Surcharge) in the Quantity Box. Click Submit – the Permit Retention fee will calculate the percentage at the rate you selected and will automatically recalculate State Surcharge at 12% of what is being retained. Invoice the new Retention and State Surcharge fee items. Go to the Payment tab. Note that you now have Unapplied fees (from voiding the permit fees to credit) in the Amount Not Applied. Select the source payment in the Transactions section that shows a Not Applied balance (transactions appear at the bottom of the Payment screen). Select the Apply button to now reapply these monies. Apply the monies to the Permit Fee Retention and the State Surcharge that are showing an outstanding balance. Consider paying any other fees that still show an outstanding balance if the work has already been performed – if it is not appropriate to pay any other remaining unpaid fee items, void them prior to beginning the next step in the Fees tab to show they are no longer applicable. The Amount Not Applied balance that is remaining is what is then eligible for the agency to refund to the customer.
Refer to How to complete a Refund documentation on Kayako: http://orepermittinghelp.kayako.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/15
The ePermitting Program is working on a project to standardize the financial export process for all OSM agencies. The daily export file will also be generated a little bit differently behind the scenes to make maintenance and upgrades more streamlined for our team. But most importantly, we are standardizing the Payment Methods that will be included and excluded in each daily export. The following Payment Methods will now be included in the daily export:
Since this is potentially a big change for our agencies, we will be providing four Q & A sessions moderated by Kelly Marshall and Chrissie Deibel where you can ask questions after the testing phase but before moving to Production:
We will be rolling out fee update testing requests soon.
Thank you! If you have any questions regarding fee updates, please contact our helpdesk at [email protected]. We will be enabling online payments through Citizen Access for the Planning module on July 1, 2019. We understand that some agencies do not want to accept online payments for Planning so we have developed a method for blocking online payments for those agencies who choose not to. Click here to see the process from the perspective of a Public User when agencies opt out of accepting online payments.
In April we made several changes to inspections, including the addition of 1950 TCO Requested. Friday, June 7th, we will be rolling out some additional changes to OSM agencies that will enhance the use of the 1950 TCO Requested inspection. The changes will be active in all OSM agencies by end of day. Once the changes have been pushed out to your agency, scheduling the inspection will now create a TCO (child) record directly instead of having to update the workflow manually (you can still create a TCO record via the structural record workflow).
This inspection must be scheduled by staff users (public users do not have access to add the inspection). The inspection can be scheduled via the back office or the inspector app. Once the inspection has been scheduled, it will kick off scripting that will:
To aid you in monitoring, and follow-up on the processing of these TCO requests, we’ve created some new Filters: Record List:
DisclaimerPlease be aware that this content is relevant at the time it is published, but as time goes on may become out-of-date. We will do our best to keep the content alive and relevant. Archives
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