Agencies can now exclude the Residential and Commercial Demo record types from the expiration process. This means that these two record types will never be added to an Expiration Set or have an Expiration Letter created. If your agency is interested in excluding Demo record types from the expiration process, please submit a help desk ticket by emailing [email protected].
It was brought to our attention that email addresses and phone numbers were exposed on existing records in Citizen Access. This meant that any public user could search for a record and see these important contact details. As of 12/22/2020, email addresses and phone numbers are hidden for all contacts, owners, and licensed professionals across all modules.
We will be installing the newest version of Accela in a test environment in the next couple of weeks. The ePermitting team will be testing extensively and if all goes smoothly we anticipate rolling it out to all of you in production early this spring. This version is reported to fix many issues as well as delivering improved functionality.
On Dec. 1, 2020, a new feature was introduced to the Onsite module called Onsite Renewals where maintenance providers and property owners can submit annual inspection reports online for ATT systems and pumping records for holding tanks through the ePermitting website. DEQ and county staff can also record and track the annual inspection reports in the back office. There are also three new letters that can be generated and sent directly from Accela: 1) Letters to notify all certified maintenance providers across the state of the upcoming annual report due date; 2) Letters to notify to property owners of the upcoming due date for annual pumping records; and 3) Follow-up letters to notify property owners that their annual inspection report has not been submitted by a maintenance provider for the reporting year.
The Onsite Renewal feature was developed in partnership between the ePermitting Program and DEQ to create a better way for all participating Onsite agencies to track annual inspection reports. 14 out of our 17 Onsite agencies decided to participate and utilize this new feature. We are excited to provide an online submittal process for a new community of users across the state and to provide more efficiencies for DEQ and our counties. Building Codes Division is using ePermitting to pilot a new type of minor labels. The new minor labels are for a limited scope of mechanical work. The pilot project is occurring in Umatilla County, Coos County, Salem and Marion County. Contractors in these locations can purchase labels through the ePermitting portal. When the contractors do a minor label installation, they take photographs of the installation using a “VuSpex” inspection submittal app. These photographs are submitted to Accela by the submittal app. One of the contractor’s group of 10 minor label installations is then inspected by a Salem or Marion County inspector reviewing the pictures submitted by the contractor. This will save inspectors having to perform inspections in homes months after the installation was performed. The pilot began in November and is planned to run for a minimum of 6 months.
Formatting Conditions of Approval is really helpful when there is a lot of text for each condition. Fonts, font size, bold, underline, bullets, numbering, and adding a link within the text have had success. However, the italics, inserting a photo, and font color may not keep the formatting on reports. Follow the steps below to create and format a Condition of Approval. 1. With your record selected, click on the Conditions of Approval page. 2. Click the New button. ![]() 3. Select “Conditions of Approval” from the dropdown. 4. Click the Submit button. 5. Check the box in front of the appropriate Condition of Approval. 6. Click the Select button. 7. The Condition of Approval has now been added with a default comment: “There are conditions of approval on this record which must be met.” 8. To add additional detail, click on the Actions dropdown. 9. A new window will pop up where you may input additional information. There is a basic HTML editor included, which will allow you to format your text. a. NOTE: You have access to any Standard Comments loaded into your agency as well. b. NOTE: Several reports pull in Conditions of Approval along with the HTML formatting and will look much better if your agency uses consistent formatting. Fonts, font size, bold, underline, bullets, numbering, and adding a link within the text have had success. However, the italics, inserting a photo, and font color may not keep the formatting on reports. 10. To update the default text that appears in the Conditions of Approval list for the record (see #7 above), scroll down and change the Short Comments (this step is optional). 11. After updating with the necessary information, click the Save button. 12. You can now see the updated short comments in the list.
Common renovation activities like sanding, cutting and demolition can create hazardous lead dust and chips by disturbing lead-based paint, which can be harmful to adults and children. To protect against this risk, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP Rule) that became effective on April 22, 2010.
Oregon enforces federal regulations for contractors working on housing or child-occupied facilities built before 1978. For more information about licensing, visit the Oregon Construction Contractors Board. To read the rule, visit the Oregon Health Authority’s Lead-based Paint Program. First did you know that all records – permits, applications, and licenses have a unique identification code within their agency called the Record Id? The Record Id often appears in the extreme right hand column on the Building or Record List portlet.
The Record Id is used to link all of the components – like custom fields, owner, site address, parcel, inspections and work flow – to the record. In the data base each of these components represents a table. The Record Number exists in two places in the data base – the main table for the record (B1PERMIT) and the table that includes all the financial transactions for the record (ACCOUNTING_AUDIT_TRAIL) starting when fees are invoiced. Both tables have the Record Id as well. The table with the financial transactions copies the Record Number from the main table for records for each step in financial transactions. The Record Number can be modified on the ‘Description of Work/Copy Recs (Unrelated)’ portlet. When the Record Number is modified, the date the modification occurred can be found by using the ‘View Log’ button on the ‘Description of Work/Copy Recs (Unrelated)’ portlet. When reports are run, the report will show the Record Number as it existed at run time. This is not a problem unless a report was run that shows the original system generated Record Number and subsequent report was run that show the modified Record Number. The problems can be increased when report results end up as a documents attached to the record. It is possible to have documents with different Record Numbers attached to the same record. Reports include invoices, receipts, permits and applications as well as tabular reports like Permits Issued. To prevent these problems either never change the Record Number or only change the Record Number before invoicing fees and an application is printed.
DisclaimerPlease be aware that this content is relevant at the time it is published, but as time goes on may become out-of-date. We will do our best to keep the content alive and relevant. Archives
December 2024
Jurisdiction Resources