The ability to perform inspections with the use of a mobile device has significantly changed the options inspectors have to do their job. For inspectors that are use to carrying permit folders and carbon copy inspection reports around everyday the Accela Inspector App offers the ability to access all permit and inspection information with a simple search. Additionally, an inspector can access multiple jurisdictions from the Accela Inspector App allowing them access to all of the permit and inspection information for each jurisdiction that an inspector might be working in. The only thing required to access another jurisdiction is to log out of the Accela Inspector App and change the jurisdiction before logging back in. Username and passwords will remain the same for each user so only the jurisdiction information would need changed.
An example of this could be an inspector who works for a city, but also does inspections in the county under an agreement between the two jurisdictions. For this example lets say the inspector does structural for the city and plumbing for the county. Before performing a new inspection the inspector will need to verify if there are any outstanding issues on either of the permits (separate jurisdictions). With the use of the Accela Inspector App the inspector only needs to log in to the correct jurisdiction to access the information. In another example, the inspector might be on the job to inspect one discipline (plumbing) when a contractor asks for a structural inspection. In the paper world the inspector would have no access to the permit information without going back to the office or calling to get the information. With the use of the Accela Inspector App the inspector only needs to search for the permit and can schedule and complete the new inspection or schedule it for a later date and have the option to assign it to a different inspector if necessary. Have questions? Need help? Please don't hesitate to contact me about the Accela Inspector App. I can be reached via email at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
DisclaimerPlease be aware that this content is relevant at the time it is published, but as time goes on may become out-of-date. We will do our best to keep the content alive and relevant. Archives
December 2024
Jurisdiction Resources